Why Does Bullying Surprise Us?

A Bully Free Zone sign - School in Berea, Ohio
Image via Wikipedia

If you’re not accountable to anyone, then everything is fair game, right?

If there’s no God to whom we have to give an account, then who’s to tell us our behaviour is wrong?

Are you facing a bully? Are your kids avoiding someone at school so they can keep safe? Or, (buckle your seatbelt) are you or your kids bullying someone else?

The words of Paul to the Roman Christians shed some light on the origins of bullying:

Romans 1:20-22 ESV For his (God’s) invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools,

Troubled by bullies? Read this excellent post by pastor Mark Beeson.

Camp Evangeline 2010

Our daughter arrived home safe and sound from another year of Youth Camp in Debert, Nova Scotia. It was great to see her, and on the nearly-two-hour drive home, she bubbled and laughed and talked loudly about all the things that happened this week.

There were crazy games.

Good counselors.


Hot showers (a camp first!).

Friends old and new.

And something else…

Listening to her talk about that was nice, but I couldn’t stop smiling as she told about the services and how God used the speakers to impact her life. There were powerful times at the tabernacle altar, opportunities to seek God and intercede for her friends. An exceptional speaker that God used to make His truth stick to my girl’s heart.

That’s just one reason why I think summer camp is so important. That’s just one reason why I think reaching students is a priority for the local church. You can change the world, one life at a time.

I’m Loving It

Interesting day today. Drove through the hinterlands of Nova Scotia to attend a planning meeting for MYC09 in Truro, NS. Not my favourite drive, and (sorry Truro-ites) not my favourite community. Great meeting though. Got lots of things accomplished.

MYC09 is shaping up to be a blast! After a hiatus, we’re returning to the model of a central location on a college/university campus. This year we’re invading the Nova Scotia Agricultural College in Truro. This is a plus. Here are five reasons why:

  1. Everything is on site. Rooms, meals, activities, events, services, late-nights, hanging out…no packing everybody in the vans to travel from place to place…and no waiting around for everyone to get there on time…
  2. Full size gym for Saturday afternoon sports!
  3. Lots of rooms for workshops! Topics of interest to students and youth workers!
  4. FOOD! All meals are at the NSAC cafeteria, and are included in the price of registration! I really don’t think the college is going to make any money on us, though—400+ kids and youth workers all eating buffet…hmmm. Good luck, cafeteria crew!
  5. (Selfish one) Easier administration. One cheque does it all. Don’t have to pay the registration, the hotel, the meals all separately. One cheque does it all. Really. Should make all the church treasurers happy.


Here are a few more quick hits:

  • Cool stuff coming for late nights @ MYC09! The late night host is a little dweeby, but, he’s handsome!
  • Pre-convention contest! Win a fab prize for your youth group!!
  • More lights! More amplifiers! More decibels!
  • Battle of the Bands! Get your youth band rocking NOW!!
  • American Gladiators-style jousting making a comeback????? I am so going to own Nathan this year!!!! Getcha popcorn ready!!!
  • Confirmed speakers and musicians ROCK!!
  • Early-bird Registration Deadline (ie. the cheapest way to get to MYC09) is April 24.
  • Fundraising started this week @ SP.


Best news of the day: my cousin Andrea just Facebooked me and told me her cancer is officially declared in remission!!!! Yeah, baby!!! Thank you, Jesus!!!! Lots of people have been praying for her and her family, and this is great news!

Youth Ministry Nightmare


I laughed out loud watching this video! Working with students is about as rewarding a career you can ever have, but it can be easy to get caught up in the comparison game.

My youth group isn’t as big as the youth group down the highway.

  • They’ve got a flashy website.
  • They’ve got a bigger budget.
  • They’ve got a ‘cool’ youth pastor.
  • They’ve got big TVs, lots of sports, lights and fog machines.

But what students really need is Jesus, and someone who loves them enough to introduce them to Him.

Thanks, Josh for posting this!

Tuesday Take-Aways on Wednesday

GACK! Feeling bad about last night’s youth. I wasn’t ‘on’ and gave one of the most boring talks of all time! Sorry guys! I allowed myself to get a little distracted this week—won’t happen again! However, in spite of my bumbling, Jesus did something amazing! (keep reading…)

Tried a DDR alternative: Dance Praise. The kids seemed to like it—we needed more time for it though.

Need a media person to look after all the projection, lighting, sound stuff. I get too distracted by it, and don’t focus on what I should be doing. Only problem here—right now we’ve been using my laptop, and I’m not comfortable putting it into just anyone’s hands for three hours every week. The room where we meet has already been the scene of two laptops getting fried in the last few months. I’m not anxious to join that infamous group.

I sooooooo appreciate our adult volunteers! Roger & Elisabeth drove a sick student home last night, after cleaning up the ‘symptoms’ from the gym floor. And Becky was a blast with games! (BUT, I’m still upset with you, Becky, about the whole sheep thingy 🙂 You could make it right with a Dr. Pepper!)

Going to be focusing on Hebrews 11 for the next couple of weeks. Here’s the Cole’s Notes version from last night:

  1. Superheroes know the right thing to do.
  2. Superheroes aren’t afraid of the impossible.
  3. Superheroes make tough choices.


Upon further review, this Cole’s Notes version is the one I should have used last night!!! 🙂

Anyway, the kids connected with each other. They’re building relationships. And the amazing thing?? Several of them made the HUGE step of turning their life over to Jesus last night! AWESOME!!!

Nights like last night remind me that sometimes God still uses donkeys to accomplish His will.

Wait for it…Wait for it…

Mark Batterson (National Community Church, Washington, DC) spoke to my heart today in this post.

In case you didn’t know. I turned 41 today. Don’t get me wrong–I love this period of my life, but I will confess that I’ve been doing some major introspection lately. I’ve been looking back on 40 years, and wondering what God has in store for the next 40.

There have been times when I’ve wondered if the greatest moments of my life are in those 40 years.
There have been times when I’ve wanted to turn back time.

But lately I’ve been looking at everything differently. Call it a wiser perspective. Call it one step closer to old age. Call it the experience of the years finally solidifying into wisdom. Call it whatever you want.

But God sees time differently than I do. I’ve got a hunch that the best is yet to come.

New Creation

This amazing clip has a powerful message.

Great song. Hard-hitting message. Great imagery. Enjoy.

2 Corinthians 5:11-21 NLT

11 Because we understand our fearful responsibility to the Lord, we work hard to persuade others. God knows we are sincere, and I hope you know this, too. 12 Are we commending ourselves to you again? No, we are giving you a reason to be proud of us, so you can answer those who brag about having a spectacular ministry rather than having a sincere heart. 13 If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. 14 Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. 15 He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.

16 So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! 17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

18 And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. 19 For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. 20 So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” 21 For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.

Holy-days & Holidays

I had a friend ask me about how a Christian should handle the various holidays and what seems to be bad influence in each.  They specifically mentioned Christmas and Easter, but I tried to answer in a way that would actually relate to something broader. I never get sick of questions from new Christians!!

Here’s what I said…

That’s a particularly good (question), too. You touch on the age-old problem of how do the followers of Christ ‘live’ in a world that is opposed to Christ, and yet do it in such a way so that 1) we won’t get sidetracked/derailed/brought back into old sins, and 2) we won’t distance ourselves so far from the world that they won’t hear what we have to say.

It’s been debated for awhile what parts of our ‘holidays’ we should keep, and what parts are taboo. I’ve been one of the guys who shunned participation in many of them, and I’ve been someone who enjoyed the holidays in their various forms. I’ve seen both sides, and I’m hesitant to take a definitive stance on what’s right and what’s wrong…but…

Christ should always be the centre of my life. Whatever I do, I need to keep Him in focus and in the forefront. For me, Easter is Jesus. Period. Christmas is Jesus. Period. Now, in the middle of this, is there anything wrong with a chocolate bunny or mistletoe?? I don’t think so. I enjoy it as part of the holiday; I just don’t let it become the focus, and I work hard to communicate my belief that these things are secondary customs, not the real reason for the holiday.

Christmas and Easter. Those are the biggies in terms of holidays. Halloween is a different cat (unintentional pun). I try to intentionally redeem the day for Jesus. Instead of pranking people and scaring them, I want to point them to Jesus. I’ve given out cartoon tracts WITH Halloween candy before (but we’re not going to do that this year). I’ve planned and hosted ‘Bible Parties’ on the 31st. Not this year. We are definite and determined that our kids understand that it’s not a night for fear and such, it’s a night for laughs and FREE CANDY! Have I upset people with this approach? Certainly. There are people who think Christians should have nothing to do with Halloween, and that my activities involve me in it’s evil connections. For me, that’s a stretch…

You see, I also take my kids shopping at the mall. There are lingerie stores in the mall. There are advertisements ad posters in the mall that clearly communicate immorality to everyone passing by. Does that make the entire mall evil? Should we boycott the mall?? Hundreds of men (young and old) walk by La Senza or Abercrombie & Fitch and allow lust to be stirred in their minds. Does this mean there is nothing good in the mall? (Sorry, Jared. Subway is not allowed for me anymore. But Burger King stands alone, not connected to the mall, so I can go there for a quad-stacker, and glorify God with my cholesterol intake. Burp. Praise the Lord!)

Every Sunday afternoon restaurants all over Moncton are filled with followers of Christ, enjoying a (hopefully) wonderful meal with their families and friends. Some of those restaurants serve alcohol. Does that make those places evil? Christians buy gasoline on Sunday at Convenience stores where cigarettes are sold and lottery tickets are purchased. Is it ungodly for a Christian to associate with such a place? Should we stop buying gas?

I think that you can steer clear from a lot of turmoil by making the decision to put Jesus in the forefront of everything you do. Sincerely, I mean really ask Him what He wants you to do in a given situation, and I’m naive enough to think that He’ll tell you. Let the Word of God guide you. What’s plain in Scripture, don’t squabble over. What God has left unsaid, don’t put words in His mouth.

Enjoy the holidays. Bless your family. Point them to Jesus. And rejoice in the life He has given you…